Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Text File
380 lines
-- Plotting the Mandelbrot Set --
-- Usage: ex mset [filename.dat]
-- e.g. ex mset msetb
-- Either generate the initial picture, or redisplay an old one.
-- Hit Enter at any time to stop the display and then hit Enter again
-- to display a grid. Use the arrow keys to select the most interesting
-- box in the grid. Hit Enter to enlarge this box to the full size of
-- the screen, or hit q to quit. The pictures that you display are saved in
-- mseta.dat, msetb.dat, ... You can redisplay them and then put up the
-- grid and continue zooming in. As you zoom in, black areas are eroded
-- around the edges, as the iteration count is increased, and we find that
-- points originally believed to be members of the Mset are not members
-- after all.
without type_check
include graphics.e
include select.e
include get.e
constant GRAPHICS_MODE = 261 -- SVGA
-- choose a good mode for your machine
-- see euphoria\include\graphics.e
constant ZOOM_FACTOR = 20 -- grid size for zooming in
constant FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1
constant REAL = 1, IMAG = 2
constant ARROW_LEFT = 331,
ARROW_UP = 328,
-- types --
type natural(integer x)
return x >= 0
end type
type complex(sequence x)
return length(x) = 2 and atom(x[1]) and atom(x[2])
end type
procedure beep()
-- make a beep sound
atom t
t = time()
while time() < t + .2 do
end while
end procedure
natural ncolors
integer max_color, min_color
object prev_mixture
prev_mixture = {0, 0, 0} -- color 0: black
procedure randomize_palette()
-- choose random color mixtures
for i = max_color to min_color by -1 do
prev_mixture = palette(i, rand(repeat(63, 3)))
end for
prev_mixture = palette(0, rand(repeat(63, 3)))
end procedure
procedure rotate_palette()
-- rotate the color mixtures of all the colors
for i = max_color to min_color by -1 do
prev_mixture = palette(i, prev_mixture)
if atom(prev_mixture) then
return -- didn't work
end if
end for
prev_mixture = palette(0, prev_mixture)
end procedure
natural max_iter
sequence vc -- current video configuration
procedure grid(sequence x, sequence y, natural color)
-- draw the grid
atom dx, dy
for i = x[1] to x[2] do
draw_line(color, {{i*dx, y[1]*dy}, {i*dx, y[2]*dy}})
end for
for i = y[1] to y[2] do
draw_line(color, {{x[1]*dx, i*dy}, {x[2]*dx, i*dy}})
end for
end procedure
function zoom()
-- select place to zoom in on next time
integer key
sequence box
grid({0, ZOOM_FACTOR}, {0, ZOOM_FACTOR}, 7)
box = {0, ZOOM_FACTOR-1}
while TRUE do
grid({box[1], box[1]+1}, {box[2], box[2]+1}, 14)
key = get_key()
if key != -1 then
grid({box[1], box[1]+1}, {box[2], box[2]+1}, 7)
if key = ARROW_UP then
if box[2] > 0 then
box[2] = box[2]-1
end if
elsif key = ARROW_DOWN then
if box[2] < ZOOM_FACTOR-1 then
box[2] = box[2]+1
end if
elsif key = ARROW_RIGHT then
if box[1] < ZOOM_FACTOR-1 then
box[1] = box[1]+1
end if
elsif key = ARROW_LEFT then
if box[1] > 0 then
box[1] = box[1]-1
end if
elsif key = 'q' then
return {} -- quit
return {box[1], ZOOM_FACTOR - 1 - box[2]}
end if
end if
end while
end function
procedure save_points(integer file, integer rep_count, integer color)
-- We do a bit of image compression here by recording the number of
-- consecutive points of a certain color. Can have up to 256 colors.
while rep_count > 255 do
puts(file, 255)
puts(file, color)
rep_count = rep_count - 255
end while
if rep_count > 0 then
puts(file, rep_count)
puts(file, color)
end if
end procedure
function mset(complex lower_left, -- lower left corner
complex upper_right) -- upper right corner
-- Plot the Mandelbrot set over some region.
-- The Mandelbrot set is defined by the equation: z = z * z + C
-- where z and C are complex numbers. The starting point for z is 0.
-- If, for a given value of C, z approaches infinity, C is considered to
-- *not* be a member of the set. It can be shown that if the absolute value
-- of z ever becomes greater than 2, then the value of z will increase
-- towards infinity from then on. After a large number of iterations, if
-- the absolute value of z is still less than 2 then we assume with high
-- probability that C is a member of the Mset and this program will show
-- that point in black.
complex c
atom zr, zi, zr2, zi2, cr, ci, xsize, ysize
natural member, stop, color, rep_count, width, height
natural file_no
integer pic_save, prev_color
height = vc[VC_YPIXELS]
width = vc[VC_XPIXELS]
ncolors = vc[VC_NCOLORS]
xsize = (upper_right[REAL] - lower_left[REAL])/(width - 1)
ysize = (upper_right[IMAG] - lower_left[IMAG])/(height - 1)
c = {0, 0}
-- choose a new file to save the picture into
file_no = 0
for i = 'a' to 'z' do
pic_save = open("mset" & i & ".dat", "rb")
if pic_save = -1 then
file_no = i
-- file exists
end if
end for
if file_no then
pic_save = open("mset" & file_no & ".dat", "wb")
puts(1, "Couldn't find a new file name to use\n")
return 1
end if
-- save graphics mode and max_iter
printf(pic_save, "%d ", vc[VC_MODE])
printf(pic_save, "%d ", max_iter)
-- save lower_left & upper_right as floating-point sequences
printf(pic_save, "{%20.15f,%20.15f}", lower_left)
printf(pic_save, "{%20.15f,%20.15f}", upper_right)
max_color = -1
min_color = 99999
for y = 0 to height - 1 do
if get_key() != -1 then
return 0
end if
c[IMAG] = upper_right[IMAG] - y * ysize
prev_color = -1 -- start fresh for each line
rep_count = 0
for x = 0 to width - 1 do
c[REAL] = lower_left[REAL] + x * xsize
member = TRUE
zr = 0
zi = 0
zr2 = 0
zi2 = 0
cr = c[REAL]
ci = c[IMAG]
for i = 1 to max_iter do
zi = 2 * zr * zi + ci
zr = zr2 - zi2 + cr
zr2 = zr * zr
zi2 = zi * zi
if zr2 + zi2 > 4 then
member = FALSE
stop = i
end if
end for
if member = TRUE then
color = 0
color = stop + 51 -- gives nice sequence of colors
while color >= ncolors do
color = color - ncolors
end while
if color > max_color then
max_color = color
end if
if color < min_color then
min_color = color
end if
end if
pixel(color, {x, y}) -- also show non-member "bands"
if color = prev_color then
rep_count = rep_count + 1
save_points(pic_save, rep_count, prev_color)
rep_count = 1
prev_color = color
end if
end for
-- close off count at end of each line
save_points(pic_save, rep_count, color)
end for
return 0
end function
procedure view(integer pic_save)
-- redisplay a saved picture file
integer x, color, rep_count
max_color = -1
min_color = 99999
for y = 0 to vc[VC_YPIXELS] - 1 do
x = 0
while x < vc[VC_XPIXELS] do
rep_count = getc(pic_save)
color = getc(pic_save)
if rep_count <= 0 then
end if
if rep_count = 1 then
pixel(color, {x, y}) -- faster
x = x + 1
draw_line(color, {{x, y}, {x+rep_count-1, y}})
x = x + rep_count
end if
if color != 0 then
if color > max_color then
max_color = color
end if
if color < min_color then
min_color = color
end if
end if
end while
end for
end procedure
procedure Mandelbrot()
-- main procedure
sequence delta, new_box
complex lower_left, upper_right
sequence cl, dataname, g
integer pic_save, mode
cl = command_line()
if length(cl) >= 3 then
-- redisplay a saved picture
dataname = cl[3]
pic_save = open(dataname, "rb")
if pic_save = -1 then
if not find('.', dataname) then
dataname = dataname & ".dat"
pic_save = open(dataname, "rb")
end if
if pic_save = -1 then
puts(1, "Couldn't open " & dataname & '\n')
end if
end if
g = {}
for i = 1 to 4 do
g = g & get(pic_save)
end for
if g[1] != GET_SUCCESS or
g[3] != GET_SUCCESS or
g[5] != GET_SUCCESS or
g[7] != GET_SUCCESS then
puts(1, "Couldn't read " & dataname & '\n')
end if
mode = g[2]
max_iter = g[4]
lower_left = g[6]
upper_right = g[8]
if graphics_mode(mode) then
end if
vc = video_config()
-- initially show the upper half:
max_iter = 30 -- increases as we zoom in
lower_left = {-1, 0}
upper_right = {1, 1}
-- set up for desired graphics mode
if not select_mode(GRAPHICS_MODE) then
puts(2, "couldn't find a good graphics mode\n")
end if
vc = video_config()
if mset(lower_left, upper_right) then
end if
end if
while TRUE do
while get_key() = -1 do
end while
new_box = zoom()
if length(new_box) = 0 then
end if
delta = (upper_right - lower_left)
lower_left = lower_left + new_box / ZOOM_FACTOR * delta
upper_right = lower_left + delta / ZOOM_FACTOR
max_iter = max_iter * 2 -- need more iterations as we zoom in
if mset(lower_left, upper_right) then
end if
end while
end procedure
if graphics_mode(-1) then
end if